Work at home mama of four, wife, friend, sister, blogger, homeschooler, wanna be homesteader, business owner, webinar creator, avid reader, podcaster, speaker, writer, and so much more. I’m not defined by any one role, interest, or title…and neither are you, mama! That’s one of the reasons I started this podcast so that we could celebrate & show up as the “whole woman” that is in all of us.
Lori Beth Auldridge is the creator & host of the Elevating Motherhood podcast and teacher of the online course Homeschool Explained ( She and her husband Chris recently moved their family to Idaho after almost 20 years on Maui and together they homeschool their children, run a construction business, and road trip as often as they can! She holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication for the Child and masters degrees in both Children’s Literature and Creative Writing for Children. Lori Beth is passionate about helping moms find their confidence through creative resources while encouraging them to trust their intuition and embrace life long learning.
Follow along with my adventures on Instagram:
@loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood
Check Out My Other Passions
Photo Credit: The beautiful photos on this site where taken by talented Maui mamas. I’m so grateful to them for sharing their gifts with my family. A big mahalo to Kristy Copperfield, Chelsea Aaron, and Jessica Fernandez.