Episode 149
Aloha Mamas! This is a super special episode…not just because it’s in honor of Mother’s Day, but because there will be 4 mamas speaking life over you today! 3 of my dear friends in life and business—Jennifer Ford Berry, Amy Debrucque, and Becky Kopitzke are joining me for this conversation. These lovely mamas are all members of the mastermind I’ve had the honor of being a part of for a while now, they are also authors, speakers, podcasters, coaches, wives, and mothers. We talk often about how these multiple roles take a lot of our time and energy and brainstorm together on a weekly basis about how we can thrive in various seasons of motherhood and live a more integrated life where family and business exist to support one another.
And that’s what today’s conversation is about. Thriving in each season of motherhood. Integrating our different roles in different seasons. And what it looks like to work on our own personal growth along the way. This is a beautiful conversation filled with vulnerability and stories as we share about our own personal struggles, times of worry, moments of judgement, and times we grappled for control…as well as how we got to the other side of those tough moments. This episode is packed with truths and encouragement!
I’m excited for you to get to know Jennifer, Becky, and Amy more…these women are also my co-hosts for The Focus Retreat happening this September in beautiful Kentucky. This episode is a great opportunity to get to know them more so you can connect with who will be speaking into your life and business this fall at the retreat. We have unique perspectives and convictions, but always manage to find common ground as women who have hearts for Jesus and encouraging other moms through our businesses and ministries.
I adore these women and know you will, too. Check out their websites and Instagram profiles below.
Jennifer Ford Berry’s Links: Website and Instagram
Amy Debrucque’s Links: Website and Instagram
Becky Kopitzke’s Links: Website and Instagram
Stay tuned at the end, too, for a special message from Becky about The Focus Retreat and our bonus Early Bird Mother’s Day specials!
Follow us on Instagram, @loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood! Like, comment, and share that you’re listening to the podcast!
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Blossom & Root. Today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood is sponsored by Blossom & Root a nature-based, Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum company that has been gently guiding and supporting families for years! This thoughtful, age appropriate curriculum begins at the preschool level—and acts as a much-needed resource for this age group. Blossom & Root’s Early Years Volumes 1 & 2 are valuable tools for parents with young children—whether you choose to pursue homeschool long term or not. The information and ideas are easy to follow, fun, and engaging. School age curricula are also available with more grade levels being released each year. It’s the curriculum my family uses and loves. They’ve generously offered a discount for listeners of Elevating Motherhood: use the code LORIBETH10 at checkout for 10% off your order. For more information about Blossom & Root, head over to www.elevatingmotherhood.com/homeschool
Beautiful & Simple. Today’s episode is sponsored by Beautiful & Simple. An online boutique filled with products that remind us to slow down, practice self-care, & focus on the meaningful parts of our day: the beautiful & simple moments. My favorite mug is the one that says “you cannot pour from an empty cup.” It’s my daily reminder to take care of myself so I can take care of my family. Go check out the collection of mugs, shirts & bags currently available at www.beautifulandsimple.com
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Connect with Lori Beth on Instagram: @loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood
Visit Today’s Sponsors: Blossom & Root + Beautiful and Simple
More About Your Host: Lori Beth’s Blog