Episode 090
Are you telling your soul to sit down and shut up so you can do the
‘more important’ work of getting through the week? -Allison Fallon
A lot of writers worry that their writing isn’t going to be any good—but then find a way through that doubt in their writing. A lot of moms worry that what they’re doing isn’t any good either. What if moms had a tool to work through that doubt? Today’s guest Ally Fallon makes a solid case for how writing could be just the tool we need. She brings all kinds of encourage and insight about the sacred act of making space for writing in our lives and how to not get stuck in our to-do lists or lost in distractions.
Ally is a new mom with a new book: The Power of Writing It Down: A Simple Habit to Unlock Your Brain and Reimagine Your Life. She’s going to help us see the myths surrounding writing (including the one that writing is for some people and not for others). She shares how writing has been transformative in her own life and shows us how it can reveal things we didn’t know about ourselves before we wrote them down. Writing is revelation and learning through play…things that we see and encourage in our children on a daily basis. Ally shows us how we can now turn that same philosophy and encouragement inward and apply it to ourselves as moms.
We talk about all the things: writing, motherhood, misconceptions, spirituality, connection, life-long learning, the power of getting to know ourselves, and what you can do to get started today. We’re going to bust through some learned writer’s block and show you how to use writing as a vehicle to get to know your truest self. This is a great episode for all moms—whether you identify as a “writer” or not. And if you’re a homeschool mom, it’s easy to see how these writing ideas can crossover into homeschool as well.
Ally’s Bio: Allison Fallon is an award-winning author, sought after public speaker, and nationally recognized writing coach. She has worked with thousands of people to realize their writing potential and become published authors.
In this episode Ally & I talk about:
- Ally’s 3-year-journey to writing her first book
- Parallel breakthroughs in writing and life
- What Ally’s writing process was like writing a book about the writing process
- Which category your book is going to fall into: story driven or content driven
- You can write anywhere
- We’re writing all the time! No need to overcomplicate writing
- The parallel of child’s play and the writing life
- Encouragement for all types of writers & moms
- Shutting out the distraction of outside noise
- Writing means that you are swimming upstream
- Mindfulness: our thoughts drive our behaviors
- Subconscious thoughts surface in our writing
- Shaking off blame through writing
- Altering our thoughts through writing and manifesting a new reality
- The empowerment and change that is on the other side of temporary discomfort
- The role of self-worth in writing
- Changing the details of difficult moments through writing
- Chapter 5: “Out of the Chaos” (something every mama needs at some point!)
- Calming our inner critic as a mom
- Identifying your narrator voice
- A life well lived—the role of legacy in our writing (and every day) lives
- #livingmybestlife
- Looking for coping mechanisms as moms
- Proving ourselves capable
- Why write when you don’t have a burning desire? (or a rebel personality…)
- How writing can benefit all of us
- Finding 20 minutes in life to write
- The sacred act of making space
- Writing down phrases and ideas to release them or have a witness for what is true or real for you in the moment
- Truths don’t stay truths forever
- Distraction and other notions we break through when writing
- The danger of simplicity—writing is so simple and doable…there’s no need to complicate it
- How we shape our inner and outer work through writing
- How us putting in the work as moms lifts our children up, too
- Frontal cortex vs. limbic mind
- Get Started: write down 10 things that are true for you today
- Moving along your writing journey
- There’s power in putting words to what is true for you
- Diffusing the intensity of tense moments through writing
Ally’s Links:
Websites: Find Your Voice and The Power of Writing It Down
Instagram: @allyfallon and @letsfindyourvoice
Follow us on Instagram, @loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood. Like, comment, and share that you’re listening to the podcast!
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Blossom & Root: Today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood is sponsored by Blossom & Root a nature-based, Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum company that has been gently guiding and supporting families for years! This thoughtful, age appropriate curriculum begins at the preschool level with options all the way up to 4th grade with more grade levels being released each year.
Blossom & Root is the homeschool curriculum my family uses and loves! The information and ideas are easy to follow, fun, and engaging. If you’re new to homeschool or looking for an inspired homeschool curriculum to help you lovingly teach and guide your children, I highly recommend Blossom & Root. Using this curriculum has brought so much connection and joy to our homeschool days—I love it! Blossom & Root has generously offered a discount for listeners of Elevating Motherhood: use the code LORIBETH10 at checkout for 10% OFF your order.
For more information about Blossom & Root, head over to www.elevatingmotherhood.com/homeschool
Healthy Mama Meal Prep (Online Course): My everyday life has changed for the better (3 times a day!) since I interviewed Kris Dovbniak in Episode 76. Since talking with Kris and taking her online course Healthy Mama Meal Prep, I’ve learned about just how flexible and time giving (not time draining) meal prep can be. I’ve happily changed some of my habits—and consequently my attitude—in the kitchen. I’ve organized my pantry, prepped veggies without wasting them (because I actually know how and when I’m going to use them!), and have a better idea about how I can effectively and efficiently tackle meals throughout the week. And it’s all thanks to the teachings & insights of holistic health coach, intuitive eating counselor, trained chef, and fellow mama Kris Dovbniak. Kris also has a fun quiz on her website where you can find out what your meal prep style is: flexible foodie, busy babe, or modern mom. Whichever you are, she has ideas for you! There is more information in the show notes (here). Be sure to use the code LORIBETH15 for 15% OFF enrollment in the Healthy Mama Meal Prep Course!
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Connect with Lori Beth on Instagram: @loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood
Visit Today’s Sponsors: Blossom & Root + Healthy Mama Meal Prep
More About Your Host: Lori Beth’s Blog