Episode 009
Times are changing. The way we parent our kids at home and teach children in schools is shifting. There’s no denying these changes. It’s all part of education reform…and this isn’t your average conversation about it.
Join me for today’s incredibly insightful interview with Heather Baylosis, MSED—a passionate educator here on the island of Maui & mother of two.
What do we mean by education reform?
How we approach our children, their education, parenting, learning styles, and their whole self is different. There’s more of a focus on values, character, collaboration, listening, respect, working together, & community…and Heather & I unpack it all. We talk about brick & mortar school. We talk about homeschool. We talk about modeling. We make observations. We talk about parenting + teaching (and how the two overlap).
Here are some of the shifts we discuss:
– Outdated models of parenting & education
– Values (including key ones missing from today’s college graduates!)
– Life Long Learning
– Community
– Respect
– Working Together
– Importance of Movement
– Mindset
– Reflection
And then we take it a step further and talk about ways to approach these changes & be part of the reform in your own home and in your child’s school. (It turns out those approaches are parallel at home and in school):
– Practice patience
– Educate yourself on basic child development
– Focus on values…and then align your actions & values
– Keep practicing, (life long learning)
– Understand learning styles
– Break through the myth that asking for help is a sign of weakness
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More About Your Host: Lori Beth