Episode 033
We do not talk about sex after babies enough. How do I know? Because of aaaaaaaaaall the emotions that came up for me and other mamas when I broached the subject. “Should I do an episode about it?” I asked. The answer: 100% YES!
So I invited the energetic and talented blogger Jazmyne Futrell of www.mixedmombrownbabies.com onto the show to get this conversation rolling!
Jazmyne lives in California with her husband and their four children. She shows up on her blog (and social media feeds) honestly and openly—talking about all things motherhood, from kids, life, marriage, and travel to postpartum depression, c-section recovery, loving your body, learning to let go, how to stop fighting with your toddler about teeth brushing and so much more. It’s Jazmyne’s “no holding back” approach to life and motherhood that drew me to her for this conversation. And I was not disappointed!
I think we’re all listening to this episode for different reasons. Maybe you tuned in because your sex life could use some…elevating. Maybe it’s already great. Maybe you just want to hear moms being honest about sex because it’s (oddly) still so taboo in our culture. Maybe you’ll find this episode refreshing. Maybe shocking. Who knows? Either way, I’m so glad you’re here. This conversation feels brave and important—and you listening is brave and important.
Without further ado, let’s talk about Sex After Babies with Jazmyne Futrell
In this episode we discuss:
- Jazmyne’s Story
- Tips from her blog article Learning to Enjoy Sex
- Why we need to talk about sex after babies more and why it’s hard to talk about for most women (especially moms)
- Breaking through clichés about sex & postpartum recovery
- The power of being present during sex
- Getting to know yourself, your needs, and more
- The importance of clear communication
- The opportunity for deeper connection in your relationship
- Postpartum issues that can arise
- Embracing the “new” that is inevitable after becoming a parent
- How essential creativity is
And then Jazmyne closes with the BEST TIP EVER for what to implement TODAY to start shifting your sex life for the better!
More About Today’s Guest:
Jazmyne’s Instagram
Blog: Mixed Mom Brown Babies
eBook: (coming soon!)
Text Msg: (coming soon!)
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Connect with Lori Beth on Instagram: @loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood
Visit Today’s Sponsors: MUTU Systems & Ojai Energetics
More About Your Host: Lori Beth