Episode 038
Soothed, settled, safe, and connected.
When Lisa mentioned wanting to talk about nourishment, my first thought was “Nourishment? What’s that? I seem to have forgotten…” How about you? Same? Are you feeling any kind of nourished right now, mama?
Good news: you’re about to! Lisa McCrohan is back to speak peace into our tender mama hearts right now—and I’m so grateful! She highlights how we can approach our life using our mind, body, and compassion. By the end of this conversation you’ll have a deeper understanding of not only how your nervous system works but ways we can soften, reconnect, and feel nourished.
I’m personally dealing with big waves of emotion, fatigue that plagues me off and on, and snowballing thoughts that keep me exhausted some days. It’s not every day, just some. But it’s enough that I want to find ways to move through those days.
In this episode, Lisa talks with us about:
- Connection…with ourselves, with other people, with nature.
- These times are messing with our nervous system.
- The power of naming your emotions, softening the body, & applying compassion
- A simple explanation about what’s happening to our nervous systems right now
- Mind + body + compassion
- She even shares three powerful poems with us: Self Love; Hope; & Be
Lisa McCrohan, Is a Somatic Experiencing Psychotherapist, Integrative Coach, and author of Gems of Delight: seasonal inspirations for moms to heal the hurry and what is sacred. With an expertise in mind-body-spirit healing, Lisa works with men and women all over the world in their personal and professional development. She lives with her husband, two young children, and dog, Sherlock, in Middletown, MD, with the mountains outside her backdoor. You can find inspiration here: www.lisamccrohan.com.
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Homeschool Explained is an online course I created to help parents begin their homeschool journey with confidence. I was getting a lot of questions from parents about my family’s homeschool journey…they wanted to know more but weren’t sure where to get started or if it was a good fit for their family. So I started teaching in-person workshops here on Maui to help parents sort that out. But then requests starting come in from other islands and other places asking if I could put it online from them, too…so I did! I totally get it, starting any new journey can be overwhelming…especially when you feel this call on your heart to homeschool but aren’t sure where to begin. That’s why I’ve put over 10 years of homeschool experience and insights into this easy to follow, easy to use online course that answers common questions, helps you work through worries, and saves you time.
Homeschool Explained is for anyone who is interested in homeschool (now or in the future) but isn’t sure where to start. The information in this course will help you make an educated decision about whether homeschool is the right fit for your family and help you understand what modern homeschool days actually look like—all while covering major topics like curriculum, homeschool styles, subjects to teach, cost, state laws, socialization and so much more. This course takes the guess work out of where and how to begin and leaves you with solid support and resources. Start your homeschool journey with confidence! Find out more at elevatingmotherhood.com/homeschool
MUTU System: Thanks to MUTU System for supporting today’s episode! MUTU is a body positive, medically recommended online exercise program for all moms. This 12 week program walks you through daily exercises you can do in the comfort of your home. It includes easy to follow modules, healthy eating tips, encouragement, support, and more. Find out more at www.elevatingmotherhood.com/mutu
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