Episode 060
Adventure is the vehicle, connection is our destination.
Second generation homeschool mom Greta Eskridge wrote a book! And it’s not only an awesome resource for homeschool families but ALL families! Adventuring together becomes an art, a simple space of connection & fun, and is do-able when viewed through the lovely lens Greta offers us.
This book is for all families (this episode is for all families!), whether you’d consider yourself a high adventure person, adventure weary, or if a trip to the store with toddlers is probably all the adventure you can handle in this season…this book is for you. Greta shares so much about how to engage with our children, embrace the new, and make our adventures positive learning experiences.
Greta’s Bio: Greta Eskridge is a nature lover, book reader, and coffee drinker. She craves relationship and loves having adventures. Her faith in God is the lens through which she sees life. Greta is a home schooling mom of 4, a wife of 22 years to Aaron, and an author and speaker.
Greta’s first book, Adventuring Together, releases July 2020 with Thomas Nelson. Greta is passionate about helping parents protect their kids from the devastating effects of pornography and she loves to travel the country sharing her message of joyful, connected parenting.
Greta would love to connect with you on her blog at www.gretaeskridge.com. She also loves hanging out on Instagram and would love to connect with you there too. You’ll find her @maandpamodern
We were made for hard things…and this will make a good story later. (my new life philosophy inspired by Greta and other mamas)
In this episode Greta and I talk about:
- The practice and time it takes to get the hang of homeschooling (every drop in the bucket counts)
- What it means to adventure together
- Why connection is so important
- What it’s like to be a second generation homeschooler
- How adventuring can bring joy into motherhood
- The call to connect with our kids and family
- The role of adventure in homeschool and motherhood
- Hope for the teenage years
- Being intentional with our kiddos
- Adventuring with various personality types
- Coping with misadventure
- Unplugging & distractions
- How we can provide learning opportunities for our children
- Adventuring with little kids—the good, the bad, the ugly, & the magical
- Starting adventure clubs and book clubs!
- Adventuring through books
- How Greta offers support for other moms
- And just so, so, so much encouragement!
Greta’s Links: Instagram and Blog
Follow us on Instagram, @loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood. Like, comment, and share that you’re listening to the podcast!
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Blossom & Root: Thanks to Blossom & Root for supporting today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood! Blossom & Root is the homeschool curriculum my family uses and loves. We’re all very excited to dive into first grade, kindergarten, and pre-k this year using Blossom & Root’s secular, nature-based, Charlotte Mason inspired lessons as a guide.
Blossom & Root has been supporting homeschool families for years. Their current line up of awesome options includes curricula for the Early Years (starting at age 2) all the way to 4th grade with more grade levels and resources being released each year. They also have awesome add ons like Book Seed literature deep dives and A River of Voices: The History of the United States. These are incredible (& affordable) additions to any homeschool curriculum or for parents who want to learn alongside their kids whatever their education path.
Blossom & Root has generously offered a discount code for Elevating Motherhood listeners: Use the code LORIBETH10 for 10% OFF your online purchase. Visit www.elevatingmotherhood.com/homeschool for more information about Blossom & Root.
Homeschool Explained: I used to teach in-person workshops here on Maui that helped families get started on their homeschool journey feeling resourced and confident. To meet requests from parents on other islands and on the mainland, I turned that workshop into an online resource for you!
If you’re thinking of homeschooling and aren’t sure where to begin or you just got started and still have a ton of questions, I’ve got you. I put over 10 years of homeschool experience into a 3 hour video that you can start and stop at your own convenience. I go over all of the most common questions I’ve gotten from parents and workshop attendees over the years…I share with you about curriculum, homeschool styles, when to start, subjects to teach, planning, schedules, cost, state laws, umbrella schools, testing, record keeping, community, socialization, and more. My goal was to over share so that when you finish the course, you’ll feel resourced and ready to go.
Discount Code: Use the code LORIBETH50 for 50% OFF of my how to homeschool course Homeschool Explained! This offer will remain open as a thank you to my amazing Elevating Motherhood listeners.
For more info on homeschool, head over to www.elevatingmotherhood.com/homeschool
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Connect with Lori Beth on Instagram: @loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood
Visit Today’s Sponsors: Blossom & Root + Homeschool Explained
More About Your Host: Lori Beth’s Blog