Episode 087
Here it is! The last episode of Elevating Motherhood for 2020!
Wow! I’ve been hitting “publish” on episodes every single week for over a year and this will be my first break since then. It’s just for the month of December 2020—I’ll be back in January with at least one episode every week, but this will be last one for this year.
And I say “taking a break” but really, I’ll still be working hard behind the scenes to bring you amazing episodes in 2021, I’ll be recording interviews the entire month of December with guests that have made my jaw drop when I saw them on my calendar. I’ll also be working on another online course for you and writing two books! One is written and being organized and edited, the other I’ve been working on one day at a time. But just know that I am so so so so so so excited to bring these loving, supportive resources into the world. Because I know how much they are going to support you. I want you to feel resourced and confident and encouraged on your motherhood journey. That’s been my goal with the podcast all along and it feels incredible to expand that support through other forms.
In this episode, I wanted to spend some time reflecting. Self-reflection is something I encourage you all to do a lot in the show, so today I wanted to spend time reflecting with you…
I reflect and overthink about the show a lot and really vet guests and topics to make sure I’m aligning my actions and values (something else I talk about on the show all the time). I want to make sure that each episode is supporting you on your motherhood journey by bringing up topics in a very specific way. There are certain elements that go into each show that I wanted to be transparent with you about…
Elevating Motherhood is: It’s more than just a title, it’s a way of being, it’s something we do every day we show up as powerful, curious, compassionate, self-aware moms.
Variety of topics: I’m sure you noticed by now that the topics of Elevating Motherhood seem to be “all over the map.” That’s really intentional, actually. There is this big movement in the podcast/writing/influencer space to “choose your niche” and really only stay in that lane. I hear that. I see how that works for other people. But you know what I want to talk about? What’s my niche? Motherhood. Healthy motherhood. Expansive motherhood. And as a mom standing in the motherhood lane looking around at other moms, I see women who are interested in a variety of topics. I see moms who want to be honored for the whole woman they are. Their interests aren’t in just one area. Moms don’t have niches. Moms are way more dynamic than that. So over here in the Elevating Motherhood space, you’ll find episodes that support that: we talk parenting, philosophies, business, balance, scheduling, health, long term goals, day to day strategies—all of it. Moms aren’t interested in only one thing. Variety is good for us. It brings in perspective (which is another value here on the show).
Perspective: Perspective is so important in motherhood. There is no one size fits all answer for anything and that is especially true in motherhood. Perspective shows us a few things 1. That we have options (looking around at other perspectives and the different ways other moms handle situations that come up gives us ideas and options instead of just defaulting to these guilty feelings of what we feel like we “should” do because of societal or personal pressure. There is always more than one option in almost every area of motherhood. Looking up, looking around, listening to other moms—perspective can often be just what we need) and 2. It helps us see another person as whole and love them as they are even if they think differently than we do—sometimes listening to other perspectives leave us feeling like “say, what?” which is not a bad thing. Hearing other perspectives can leave us feeling like “thank you for that, it has shown me that that’s not for me…and that’s okay.” A variety of perspectives can lead us closer to our true selves by showing us new ideas that resonate with us, ideas that don’t resonate with us, as well as all the options that are available. (Spoiler alert: that’s literally everybody. No one is going to parent exactly the same as us, not even our partner or spouse—being open to other perspectives is a way for us to align our actions and values. We can value that everyone is different and then act on that value by listening to and considering other opinions without judgement but with gratitude for what perspective gifts us—which, at the very core, is that it guides us gently toward our truest self).
Life Long Learning: You hear me say a lot on the show that we are all life-long learners, whether we choose to believe it or not. Having a growth mindset has helped me soooooo much as a mom. I’ve taken the pressure off myself to have all the right answers all the time. Growth mindset has helped me go from “what are we having to dinner” to “I’m sure we’ll figure out what to have for dinner…let’s see what we have to work with.” From “how do I deal with this tantrum?” to “looks like I’m going to have to look up three-year-old behavior and child development ideas.” From “I don’t know how to teach math to my kids” to “look at all these incredible math resources for homeschool parents!” Being a life-long learner means that I constantly acknowledge that I’m growing alongside my kids. And that’s awesome. I’m not here to lord over them, I’m here to learn beside them. It’s like an invisible pressure has been lifted from my shoulders! If I don’t know the answer, I no longer have an “oh no!” feeling—instead, identifying as a life-long learner gives me the freedom to remind myself that when I don’t know what to say or do, I know there is the opportunity to figure it out through the self-directed grace of life long learning.
Resourced: We don’t go into motherhood knowing everything there is to know about everything. We’re learning alongside our child. I feel like there is this limiting message in our society though that tells us that we don’t know anything…and we must buy products or listen to “experts” when it comes to literally every part of pregnancy and parenting. We’re made to feel dumb and like we need things to help us and other people to tell us what to do. No. We need time and space to learn, we need trusted resources, we need stories from moms who have gone before us, we need votes of confidence that from others that we’ll be able to figure this thing out. Companies and industries prey on our lack of confidence—which, truly, to me, stems from our lack of resources and encouragement. We have a lot to learn as mothers…and that’s okay! We also know a lot already…and that’s okay. Mother’s intuition, our love for our children, the magic that is becoming a mother and raising children. There’s something to all of that, too. So while there is a place for “experts” and gear in motherhood…there should be more space for perspective, idea and story sharing, presentation of multiple options, and paths for learning as much as we can as moms instead of this toxic mindset of “never mind, leave it to the experts only.” Nope. Never mind that! Leave it to moms! We’re the ones on the ground changing the world by parenting the next generation (while being in the moment! Talk about big work!). And the more resources we have, the more confidently and lovingly we can show up in the moment. I want Elevating Motherhood to be a resource space for you.
Confidence: Something that having resources and opportunities to learn and expand our natural curiosity gives us is confidence! In my experience I’ve found that resources lead to confidence.
Sisterhood: Something else that leads to confidence and acts as a much needed resource? Other mamas. This sisterhood of mamas that we’re a part of just by being a mom. There are millions of other women who get it. The Elevating Motherhood Community feels particularly special to me because it’s filled with moms who are curious and ready to learn. They’re on a journey to strengthen themselves and their families. They’re ready and willing to learn, eager to hear stories, and gather perspectives alongside other mothers. By you listening in, sharing the podcast with friends, and talking about the information you’re learning here in this space, you’re creating a sisterhood one conversation at a time. Sisterhood in motherhood gives us the knowledge that we aren’t doing this mom thing alone.
Honoring the whole woman in each of us: We are interested in more than one thing. I mentioned it before, but I’ll say it again. Moms are interested in more than one thing. We have interests and thoughts and hobbies and favorites and preferences and big ideas and passions and pursuits and stuff we are, do, and be beyond motherhood. Motherhood is awesome. So are all our other pursuits outside of that one role. I want to bust through this whole myth of “now what do I do?” when our kids aren’t around and this notion that moms don’t have any interests outside of motherhood. And even if motherhood is your #1 jam (hello, I have a podcast about it and you’re here to hear more about motherhood) there are so many interesting philosophies and notions within motherhood that we can study and think about, parenting techniques and information, the list is endless. So whether you want to think and talk about motherhood or other topics like health journeys, business, balance, creating, studying, (heck, we’re even going to have an episode about numerology soon!)—just know that you are seen as the whole person you are. My hope is that Elevating Motherhood episodes elevate all of you—even if it is you listening to this while driving to work, to practice, or in the background as you do laundry or dishes. You are worthy. You are known. You are loved—for the whole woman you are.
Honesty & Vulnerability: There’s a lot of honest conversation that happens in this space. We’ve had unfoldings happen in deep conversations, we’ve laughed, we’ve cried. We’ve been serious, we’ve been funny. Honesty and vulnerability are a big part of why and how we feel close to others—they’re key ingredients I keep in mind when connecting with my guests (even if that means I ask seemingly silly questions or find myself talking with people who have WAY more experience with a topic than I do). I’m here to learn along side you with honesty and vulnerability. Even if that means I get embarrassed while editing.
Connection: Connection is another key ingredient and a theme that shows up in literally every episode—connection to our most authentic selves, with our children, with nature. I am shocked at how it shows itself over and over on the show. It doesn’t matter if the topic is homeschool, cbd, business, life…connection is so key. Connection is part of breaking the societal myths that plague our lives and motherhood—in our society at large, there is so much disconnect (in so many areas of our lives!) Most of our family problems and parenting issues stem from disconnect. But we’re correcting that, one day, one decision, one discussion at a time. And it feels really good to be a part of that reconnection. I feel so encouraged by all of our guests and you when you share with me all the connections and a-ha moments you have while listening to the episodes. Connection is the path that moves mothers forward, that truly elevates us inside and out.
Breaking through societal messages that don’t serve mothers: Messaging, advertising, and cultural norms these days tell us that we’re a hot mess, that we don’t know what we’re doing, that nobody does, that kids are brats, that mothering is too hard, that we need wine to get through, and that we just #cantteven Guess what? We can even. We do know what we are doing—we’re smart, compassionate women who are mothering a smart, compassionate generation, we’re showing up and doing the personal work to break generational junk, we’re actively resourcing ourselves as life-long learners, our kids are learning, we’re learning, mothering is challenging, but do-able, we were made for hard things and times such as these, we understand that mommy wine culture is an ad campaign and not something we need to grow or cope, and you know what? We can even. And we can together. We show up. Because that’s what strong mothers do. We strengthen ourselves so we can strengthen our family. We lift our sisters up. We graciously make space for them to lift us up. We can. And we will. And so we do.
And if you need proof of just how we do that, look at all the topics and guests that have been on the show for the past 15 months…
We’ve had:
- Called to Create Series: The founders of Blossom & Root, MUTU System, Primally Pure, What Little Wonder, and MeiLi Autumn Beauty came on the show to share how they following their calling to create their very successful businesses. They shared their secrets, insights, stories, and tips for how to follow your calling, create something new, and balance work and motherhood.
- Homeschool Series: There are quite a few homeschool and home education centered episodes: I did a Q&A, one about Nature-Based Motherhood, and tips from a homeschool mom about learning at home. There are also incredible interviews with some homeschool greats: Julie Bogart, Pam Barnhill, Kristy Clover, Jessica Waldock, Greta Eskridge, Monica Erwin, Lauren Giordano, Alisha Miller, Kristina Garner, and Rachel Alsbury
- Tackled the Topics of: Raising Strong Willed Children, homeschool, ethical shopping, working mom life, philanthropy, Hashimotos & thyroid health, PTSD, mindset, celebrating the seasons, meal prep, the 7 year change, making mom friends, child development, foster care, adoption, craniosacral therapy, body literacy, sex, doulas, buying a house, moving, emotional health, menstrual cycle awareness, parenting through grief, loss of a child, intuitive eating, pelvic floor health & rehab, toxic burden, sex trafficking, miscarriage, poetry, alcohol, journaling, anxiety, child care, sibling rivalry, education reform, moms groups, social media, CBD, mean girls, finding me time, biodynamic nourishment, gratitude, acupuncture, boy mom life, universal laws, birth work, balance, and expectations.If you have topics you want to see on the show, please reach out. I am here to serve you. Don’t be shy. Send me a DM on Instagram @loribethauldridge or fill out the form on the website www.elevatingmotherhood.com
- We’ve had CEOS: of Primally Pure, Ojai Energetics, MUTU, and Obakki.
- We’ve had authors: Alli Worthington, Kathi Lipp, Angela Braniff, Elizabeth Thompson, Claire Baker, Chrystal Hurst, Jen Fulwiler, Amy & Jeff Olrick, Elizabeth Melendez Fisher Good, Lisa McCrohan, Nicole Zasowski, David Trotter, Laura McKowen, Lily Diamond, Stacey Robbins, and many of the homeschool mamas listed above.
- International Guests: Jailan Heidar (Germany), Claire Baker (UK), Rachel Shapiro-Davies (Israel), Sheila Gregoire (Canada), Leah Boden (UK), The Olricks (New Zealand), Treana Peake (Canda), and Wendy Powell (UK)
- International Audience: At the time of this recording, Elevating Motherhood has been downloaded in 55 countries! You are in good company, mama!
Where Elevating Motherhood is Going: Finding joy, fostering wonder, cultivating curiosity, and creating connections. How are we going to do that?
- Finding Joy: keep the topics coming. I’m going to focus on variety and resources. I’m going to continue to remain positive. I’m going to try to curate resources and voices and books that create feelings of encouragement, peace, and nourishment.
- Fostering Wonder: There is so much magic all around us, even in this heavy time in history, we are surrounded by incredible, wonderful, magical things and beings. Our children are right there—they are naturally filled with wonder and curiosity. We can foster that in them and encourage it to continue. And I dare say we can make space for them to lead by example for when we are in need of wonder. We can marvel at how fast they grow. We can keep creating those connection moments. So I’m going to bring up topics and people onto the show that value wonder and can help encourage us to see the wonder in our world.
- Cultivating Curiosity: Our minds are naturally filled with questions anyway. Might as well turn our questions in our own head away from us…from “am I doing this right?” to “are there information and resources out there that can help me feel like I’m doing this right?” I can help take your curiosity about topics to the next level by going deep with guests and asking meaningful questions. So again, if there is a topic YOU are curious about and would appreciate a deep dive on, please let me know.
- Creating Connections: I’m going to support this by pointing out connections when I see them happening. By being vulnerable and share connections that I make with you. I’m going to make connection a priority—with nature, with other moms, with guests, within myself. Connection is key and I’m going to keep that in the forefront as we move forward into 2021. (side note: 21 is my favorite number, so I’m going to leave you with the last episode of 2020 feeling positive about what 2021 has to offer, because, you know, favorite number and all).
But seriously. 2021 is going to be great. We’re going to be part of the positive change starting in our own homes. We’re going to grow alongside one another. We’re going to laugh and learn together. It’s going to be awesome. Thanks for being here on this journey so far! Thanks for being gracious with me about the short break in December. I’ll see you back here in 2021. Thanks, mama. I appreciate you!
Follow us on Instagram, @loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood. Like, comment, and share that you’re listening to the podcast!
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Love the podcast? Please let me & your mama friends know! Leave a review on iTunes to let me what’s serving you best. And share, share, share the show on social media, with friends & family, by word of mouth—whatever way you want to bring in your sisters to the conversation as we elevate modern motherhood together!
What Little Wonder: Thanks to What Little Wonder for supporting today’s episode! What Little Wonder is a thoughtfully curated online boutique for babies. It’s a beautiful blend of neutral bohemian and kind of modern, kind of classic prints and pieces. If you’re expecting or wanting to give the perfect baby shower gift that is unique, sweet (and not bubblegum pink or baby blue) I highly recommend you go check out the current collection of blankets, swaddles, nursery prints, crib sheets, pacifiers, and apparel available at www.whatlittlewonder.com Their soft colored onesies and knotted gowns are absolutely darling. I also adore everything in the shop with neutral rainbows on it.
Beautiful & Simple: Today’s episode is sponsored by Beautiful & Simple.—and online boutique I’ve created and filled with practical products that encourage us to slow down and enjoy the meaningful moments in our day—the beautiful and simple ones. Kid friendly camp mugs just dropped for kids! Pre-orders are being taken now over on IG: @shopbeautifulandsimple Order now in time for the holidays! Or, if you’re stumbling upon this episode later than the end of 2020, check out the collection of mugs, shirts, & bags currently available at: www.beautifulandsimple.com
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Connect with Lori Beth on Instagram: @loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood
Visit Today’s Sponsors: What Little Wonder + Beautiful and Simple
More About Your Host: Lori Beth’s Blog