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Episode 095. Numerology & Angel Numbers with Nadia Bernardy

Episode 095

Today’s episode is SO COOL. I have my numerology chart read to me for the first time ever and you get to hear my reactions to the results in real time. This was a wild conversation. Not only am I blown away by the accuracy of my chart, but I’m so inspired by the ideas and conviction I feel after hearing it.

My excitement is not me putting all of my faith in numerology or using it to replace my religious beliefs. Not at all. This reading carries the same weight as other ways I’ve gotten to know myself better—personality type indicators like the enneagram and Meyers-Briggs (although I do appreciate the presence of spiritual elements in numerology). This was so fun and insightful. It gave me lots to think about on my own personal journey of figuring out who I am—I feel 5 steps closer to my true self after this conversation.

You can tell I’m really excited to talk with my good friend Nadia Bernardy. The ideas are flowing at a really fast pace as we unpack where we are on our own journeys and how stepping into our true selves helps us step out into the world as our true selves and serve others.

I’m so curious and am going to ask you guys over on Instagram stories today: Do you see signs and symbolism in your life and in nature? Are any of those signs sometimes in the form of numbers for you? Do numbers speak to you? Are you someone who often sees groups of numbers together like 11:11 on the clock or 555 on license plates? If so, you’re going to love this conversation! Even if numbers don’t pop out to you yet or you’re just curious, I think you’re really going to like this episode.

Our guest today, Nadia Bernardy was with us in Episode 07 talking about Universal Law…I’m still not over the law of abundance (I literally think of it every day and every time I put together an episode for you). The confirmation in this conversation of that abundance and the importance of showing up as your true self in the world…wow. I feel so affirmed in this podcast project and my work to support mothers…I was floored and humbled all at once. I want that kind of confirmation for you. I want that kind of reassurance that knowledge and self-study can bring so I’ll be sure to link to how you can have your numerology chart read, too, in today’s show notes.

Nadia’s Bio: Nadia Bernardy is an Intuitive Coach who helps people tap into their true gifts to create work that lights them up. She is the Founder of Work & Woo and Host of the Where Dreams Are Made Podcast. She has been helping creative entrepreneurs share their gifts with the world since 2008.

In This Episode Nadia & I Talk About:

  • What is numerology?
  • What are angle numbers?
  • How you can use numerology in your life
  • Numerology is like “the dictionary” of the universe
  • Angels numbers are “love notes” from our angels or spirit guides
  • How you can use numerology in your career
  • Helping others step into what they feel called to do
  • The Called to Create series on Elevating Motherhood
  • Spiritual side of personal development
  • Book mention: Animal Speak
  • Podcast reference: Interview with Emily Humphries (Episode 47)
  • Noticing numbers at key moments
  • Every number has its own frequency & energy
  • Moving us toward our strengths
  • The history of numerology
  • Numerology as an ancient language
  • Living the best version of ourselves
  • Guru-ism
  • Numerology isn’t meant to challenge religion
  • Moving into the age of the Divine Feminine
  • Understanding your Gift number
  • Makeup reference: Beautycounter
  • Intuition in numerology
  • Our numbers on our chart don’t change—they are based
  • My chart broken down:
    • Challenge number, Soul Number: 3 (positive mind, stepping into flow & creative)
    • Challenge number, Karma Number: 9 (the divine feminine)
    • Strength number, Destiny Number: 9 (the divine feminine)
    • Neutral number: Path Number: 3 (positive mind, stepping into flow, & creative)
    • Gift number: 8 (The Healer, Infinity 8)
  • Charts are designed to be intuitive to the person
  • Using your numerology chart to get to know your true self better, maintain your focus during criticism, and avoid triggers
  • Podcast reference: Episode 94 with Mandy Irby
  • Using your numbers to stay on your path and being true to yourself
  • Helping women feel better about themselves and their true paths
  • Numerology and religion
  • Being open to embracing what resonates with you
  • All the affirmations
  • How numerology is here only to help us and lift us up
  • If you want a numerology reading with Nadia, go here:
  • Her current book project: Where Dreams Are Made, 21 Days to Align your Mind, Gifts & Spirit, An Intuitive Guide to starting something new

Nadia’s Links: Website and Instagram: @workandwoo @nadianumerology

Follow us on Instagram, @loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood. Like, comment, and share that you’re listening to the podcast!

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Homeschool Explained: Today’s episode is sponsored by Homeschool Explained, an online course I created to help parents find their confidence on their homeschool journey. I used to teach in-person workshops here on Maui to help families gather all the information and resources they need, answer all their questions, alleviate concerns, and help them get organized as they started homeschooling. Homeschool Explained is the online version of those workshops. I totally get it, starting any new journey can be overwhelming…especially when it comes to re-thinking how your kids are going to get an education—and that you’re going to be the teacher. But don’t worry. There is so much support and freedom in homeschool. It’s do-able. It’s fun. And it takes way less time than most people think. I put almost 15 years of homeschool experience and insights into this easy to follow, easy to use online course that answers common questions, helps you work through worries, and saves you time. No more internet search overload. This is all the info you need to get started homeschooling today from a trusted, experienced source.

I show you what modern homeschool days actually look like—all while covering major topics like curriculum, homeschool styles, subjects to teach, cost, state laws, socialization and so much more. This course takes the guess work out of where and how to begin and leaves you with solid support and resources. I want you to start your homeschool journey with confidence! Find out more at

Healthy Mama Meal Prep: I personally get so much from online courses. My favorite from this past year was Healthy Mama Meal Prep. If you tuned into Episode 76 with Kris Dovbniak, you know that there was a lot of potential for my life in the kitchen to change…and you know what? It has! Since talking with Kris and taking her online course, I’ve learned about just how flexible and time giving (not time draining) meal prepping can be, I’ve happily changed some of my habits—and consequently my attitude—in the kitchen. I’ve organized my pantry, prepped veggies without wasting them (because I actually know how and when I’m going to use them!), and have a better idea about how I can effectively and efficiently tackle meals throughout the week. And it’s all thanks to the teachings & insights of holistic health coach, intuitive eating counselor, trained chef, and fellow mama Kris Dovbniak. Kris also has a fun quiz on her website where you can find out what your meal prep style is: flexible foodie, busy babe, or modern mom. Whichever you are, she has ideas for you! There is more information in the show notes (here). Be sure to use the code LORIBETH15 for 15% OFF enrollment in the Healthy Mama Meal Prep Course!


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Visit Today’s Sponsors: Homeschool Explained + Healthy Mama Meal Prep
More About Your Host: Lori Beth’s Blog