Episode 118
We’re always chasing after something…why not chase after wonder?
The world is filled with wonder. It’s also filled with messages of chaos, burn out, busy-ness, and overwhelm. This past year has been no exception—especially for moms. When I picked up Ginger Stache’s book Chasing Wonder, all of those life sucking messages seemed to disappear. It was like a pressure valve released in my life and I was free to see the wonder around me again.
Ginger is a mom and author I am really excited to share with you. She is here with us today to share some of that release and encouragement I think our mama hearts and minds could really use right now.
Ginger’s Bio: Ginger Stache is the Chief Creative Officer of Joyce Meyer Ministries. She has worked in television for over 35 years, and, in that time, has interviewed Joyce and many influential Christian figures. Ginger hosts Joyce Meyer’s Talk It Out podcast, and is one of Joyce’s closest friends and confidants. This will be her first book. Ginger lives in St. Louis with her husband and has two grown daughters and one granddaughter.
In this episode, Ginger & I talk about:
- Ginger’s work with Joyce Meyer Ministries
- How relatable and encouraging her book Chasing Wonder is
- The power of storytelling
- The adventures God is building in our lives everyday
- Societal messaging of how hard motherhood is (and not much else)
- Abundant curiosity
- Conquering our fear
- Focusing on the positives instead of the negatives
- How Ginger’s parents encouraged adventure and curiosity in her life
- Ups & downs are normal
- Chasing wonder when we are going through hard times
- The definition of wonder
- The wonder of simply going outside
- “People over schedule” – putting this notion into action
- Slowing down and focusing on people in a world that encourages us to be busy and on the go all the time
- Committing to people over schedules
- Accepting that adventure and chasing wonder sometimes includes inconvenience and mess
- Comparison in motherhood
- We never see into anyone else’s life completely
- How reading Chasing Wonder (especially first thing in the morning) was like opening a pressure release valve
- Fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
- Traveling…even through books
- “Let’s teach each other that we don’t have to be the same.”
- Ginger’s travel stories
- What it means to “live dangerously”
- Anxiety as moms coming from fear
- Healthy vs. unhealthy fear
- Risking rejection and failure
- God understands fear but doesn’t put it in us
- How Ginger’s children picked up on wonder from their childhoods and how it manifested into
- Being blown away instead of being burnt out
- There are 7 billion different ways to look at things
- “Fight the boredom and dissatisfaction that is plaguing so many by refusing to succumb to the tedium of living overscheduled, overworked, and unsatisfied.”
Ginger’s Links: Website, Instagram, and Facebook
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Blossom & Root: Today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood is sponsored by Blossom & Root a nature-based, Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool curriculum company that has been gently guiding and supporting families for years! This thoughtful, age appropriate curriculum begins at the preschool level with options all the way up to 4th grade with more grade levels being released each year.
Blossom & Root is the homeschool curriculum my family uses and loves! The information and ideas are easy to follow, fun, and engaging. If you’re new to homeschool or looking for an inspired homeschool curriculum to help you lovingly teach and guide your children, I highly recommend Blossom & Root. Using this curriculum has brought so much connection and joy to our homeschool days—I love it! Blossom & Root has generously offered a discount for listeners of Elevating Motherhood: use the code LORIBETH10 at checkout for 10% OFF your order.
For more information about Blossom & Root, head over to www.elevatingmotherhood.com/homeschool
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