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Episode 003. Balance + Motherhood

Episode 003

How do you find balance as a mom? How do you find a work/life balance? Is it even possible?

In this episode, I’ll be addressing the mysterious idea of “balance” in motherhood. What is it? And how the heck do you find it? Is it just an illusion? Let’s talk about.

Listen to the full episode for personal examples and insights. As promised, here is a re-cap of the main points and strategies that can get us closer to solving the mystery of “balance” in our life as a mom:

1. Letting go of the idea that we need to find balance at all. Just literally kicking this notion to the curb, seeing it as something that isn’t real, and just letting go. You could tell yourself that even if you did find it, everything is going to change and you’re just going to have to go after it again anyway. So if balance feels like a vicious cycle to you, maybe just let it go and move on without it.

2. Thinking about balance differently. It’s like being an acrobat—give into the idea that while we’re spinning a lot of plates, there is no way that all the plates will spin perfectly at the same time. We can just give ourselves permission to move from plate to plate as it needs our attention + without guilt. I know I’ve found a lot of freedom in this notion and I hope it gives you a sense of freedom, too.

3. Understanding that we aren’t born knowing how to do everything (including how to parent at every stage) and then honoring that. We can give ourselves permission to seek out information or insight in any area of our life when we feel “out of balance.” This can look like researching child development stages, time management tips, or whatever you need. Whenever you feel like you need a “new strategy,” just dive in and research that topic. (Even if it’s a strategy for “How to tackle laundry”). If it feels like what you’re doing at the moment isn’t working, it’s okay to research and find more information or a different perspective that could give you peace of mind. We can choose to see this research as “one more thing” on our long list of things to do and get exasperated…or we can see it as an investment. Time put in now to help us solve a problem. Once we have the information we need, we can use it now and in the future. Investing in yourself, investing in your children, and investing in your sanity is worth the time it takes to research.

4. Asking for help. As women, as mothers, we don’t have to “do it all” or “be everything to everyone.” Let go of the notion that motherhood is a solo gig. Whether you’re parenting with a partner or solo, we are social beings meant to live in community. We don’t have to carry the entire load, nor should we try to. It’s time to start working on a new mindset as moms.

5. Aligning your actions and values. Figure out what is important to you and your family and then do what aligns with those values. Not what “everyone else is doing”, not “what the Joneses are doing”, but what is working for YOU and YOUR family.


Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert – for creativity & authentic living
Janet Lansbury’s books and podcast – for parenting advice
Do Less by Kate Northrup – for moterhood and work/life balance
How to Make Disease Disappear by Dr. Chatterjee – for stress management & health
The Goal Digger Podcast by Jenna Kutcher – for business motivation
Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations Podcast – for spiritual motivation
The Wellness Mama Podcast – for hormones & overall health
Rise Podcast by Rachel Hollis – for more business insight
Love & Logic – for parenting
The Wild + Free Podcast – for homeschool mamas
Body Love by Kelly LeVeque – for nutrition information & recipes

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Today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood is sponsored by Beautiful & Simple. An online boutique filled with products that encourage us to slow down and find the beauty in everyday life. I proudly wear the shirts that say “I love you” on them when I go workout. It helps me to see the words in the mirror when I’m in the middle of class—I’m reminded why I showed up in the first place—because I love my body and want to nourish it with movement. Reading the words “I love you” often give me the push I need to stay positive & keep going, even when class gets hard. Go check out the collection of mugs & shirts currently available a


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