Episode 058
When home education doesn’t feel manageable, that’s the time for us to reach out and lean in to experienced homeschoolers who are enthusiastic about helping…and today’s guest Kristi Clover is bringing the enthusiasm! She’s here as our own personal cheerleader today to talk with us about everything from organization, how to pivot when things get sideways, and offer us a dose of fun, joy, & grace.
We laugh SO MUCH in this episode! It’s a good time when these two Enneagram 7s who are also ENFPs get together! (p.s. I know you’re here for the homeschool motivation, but listen for the Princess Bride, Indiana Jones, & Frozen II references if you’re a fan…lol!)
Kristi’s Bio: Kristi Clover is a home organization and #momlife expert. She’s also the author of M.O.M.= Master Organizer of Mayhem and Homeschool Basics, the host of the Simply Joyful Podcast, and is a popular conference speaker. Her passion is to encourage families to find simple ways to bring more joy into their home and life. She loves to share about her adventures in motherhood and home life through a variety of media that you can find at KristiClover.com. Kristi lives in San Diego with her husband, Steve, and their five children. Be sure to connect with Kristi online for an extra dose of encouragement. She’s @KristiClover on most social media networks.
In this episode Kristi & I talk about:
- Fun, Joy, & Grace
- Her unique story of how she started homeschooling
- How she graduated her oldest this year!
- The power of pivoting
- Curriculum temptations
- Her book: M.O.M. Master Organizer of Mayhem
- Becoming more efficient
- Prioritizing what is important
- How lowering our expectations can serve us
- The Clover Crate System
- Organizing your homeschool year
- Not staying stuck
- Simply Joyful Podcast episodes about homeschool: Andrew Pudewa (episode 20)
- Mindset shifts we have to make for homeschool
- Instilling a love of learning in our kids…by setting the example!
- Homeschool room…do we need them?
- Streamlining your homeschool and your day
- 9-12 time blocking for homeschool
- How we find “me time” with full schedules & lives
- How we come back to center when we feel off balance
- How we don’t have all the answers…and that’s okay
- Stamina…how and when to say “yes” and “no”
- Dissecting cow eyes…true story.
- How to find homeschool support local to you
- Finding homeschool conventions
- How homeschool rights are in jeopardy
- CHEA (Christian Home Educators Association)
- Curriculum suggestions: My Father’s World, Sunlight, IEW, Apologia, Math U See, and Teaching Textbooks
Kristi’s Links:
YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Podcast, Apple Podcast, and Pinterest
Follow us on Instagram, @loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood. Like, comment, and share that you’re listening to the podcast!
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Oak Meadow: Thanks to Oak Meadow for supporting today’s episode of Elevating Motherhood! Oak Meadow is the curriculum that saved me in my first years of homeschooling over 10 years ago. This incredible, long standing curriculum company known for their inspiring, pre-printed (& now digital) curricula and teacher-supported distance learning options. Their philosophy is brilliant—they see the value in educating the whole child and supporting parents. Their curriculum aligns with rigorous academic standards while remaining customizable to meet a student’s skills and interests. Their secular education philosophy encompasses multiple learning styles and a full range of subjects for each grade level—all with a charming touch of Waldorf influence (that is encouraging and not overwhelming). Their lessons harness a child’s imagination while challenging the mind. Their enrichment guide The Heart of Learning is an excellent resource for parents to find out more about education philosophies, child development, and how to develop your home educator skills. I continue to draw on Oak Meadow for my own children for lessons, teaching ideas for me, and perspective.
Head over to www.elevatingmotherhood.com/oakmeadow for more information!
Homeschool Explained: I used to teach in-person workshops here on Maui that helped families get started on their homeschool journey feeling resourced and confident. To meet requests from parents on other islands and on the mainland, I turned that workshop into an online resource for you!
If you’re thinking of homeschooling and aren’t sure where to begin or you just got started and still have a ton of questions, I’ve got you. I put over 10 years of homeschool experience into a 3 hour video that you can start and stop at your own convenience. I go over all of the most common questions I’ve gotten from parents and workshop attendees over the years…I share with you about curriculum, homeschool styles, when to start, subjects to teach, planning, schedules, cost, state laws, umbrella schools, testing, record keeping, community, socialization, and more. My goal was to over share so that when you finish the course, you’ll feel resourced and ready to go.
Discount Code: Use the code LORIBETH50 for 50% OFF of my how to homeschool course Homeschool Explained! This offer will remain open as a thank you to my amazing Elevating Motherhood listeners.
For more info on homeschool, head over to www.elevatingmotherhood.com/homeschool
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Connect with Lori Beth on Instagram: @loribethauldridge and @elevatingmotherhood
Visit Today’s Sponsors: Oak Meadow + Homeschool Explained
More About Your Host: Lori Beth’s Blog